Monday, June 20, 2011

North Shore Sunday Kayaking

Sunday June 19th.  In light of today being Father's Day, I feel like I should share a story about my dad.  I would share a photo too, but the charger for my mac melted a couple of weeks ago and I haven't got around to buying a new one yet.  My dad is the youngest of four boys, just younger than my Uncle Roger.  In the late 1980's my Uncle Roger had a newly established chicken coop filled with young hens.  He patiently checked his coop every day for eggs. Months passed and he wasn't rewarded.  Uncle Roger was convinced that the chickens he had picked were the best available and they were mustering all that they could to lay perfect eggs one day.  Early one morning my dad bought a dozen eggs, all with double yolks.  He placed some in the nesting boxes.  Predictably, Uncle Roger checked for eggs and this time they were there.  When it came time to prepare breakfast he was thrilled to find that his prized hens were slow to lay eggs because they were in fact, endowed with the ability to exclusively lay double yolked eggs.  My dad did this for months, placing surrogates in the nests a few at a time every day.  It took my Uncle's four-year-old son to notice that the eggs were cold despite the summer heat and the warmth of a desperate chicken.  Win one for dad.  My dad used to take a rubber chicken with him into bars (conversation starter) so when it came to a half year long prank he still had chickens on the mind.
Today we dutifully called our fathers, then went kayaking and then to the beach.  I'll mention again that sea turtles are terrifying.  I'm afraid that we hit one with our kayak today.  He was barnacle laden so something tells me that he can take care of himself and that he will be alright.  We didn't get shave ice today because it was too late.  We did go to the North Shore on Wednesday though and we got birthday shave ice.  Weekday's off are one of the best things and it's even better when it's your birthday.  Summer solstice plans anybody?  I think that we might go stand up paddling in Waikiki until the sun sets.

Kayaking and the beach

Sunset strawberry and cookies and cream

Cherry, watermelon with raspberry and orange, green apple with strawberry

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