Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Summer Trail Mix

This is going to be a post about a little bit of everything.  A recap if you will.

When Joe and I lived in Utah one of the things that we missed most about San Diego was the beach.  We vowed to go as often as we could when we moved back.  Thus far, we haven't been great about doing so, but we do try.  We made it a few times this summer.  Our new friend Andy moved out to San Diego this summer from Richmond.  Thats him in the picture below with his girlfriend Emma.  Andy has since moved back to Richmond but promises that he will be back.  I hope so.  

We also made it to the water-park twice with Noah.  The first time we went on a Thursday which was a great idea because the lines were short so we were able to go on all of the slides.  This last Saturday we went for Noah's birthday.  This time, it was a little bit more crowded but still fun.  I don't have any photos of the water-park because my camera isn't waterproof.  We did however get stuck in traffic on the way back last time.  Not regular traffic, but the kid where people get out of their cars on the freeway.  Life-Flight actually had to land on the freeway.

Saturday September twenty-four-eth was Noah's thirteenth birthday.  We went to The Station for dinner.  I made a cake which was dubbed The Wizard of Oz cake.  My best work to date.  I wish I could say that I was creative enough to come up with the idea myself, but its been done many times.  A Google search of "rainbow cake" comes up with thousands of photos.  These food colorings made a huge difference in the vibrance of the colors and I recommend them.

Something else I recommend is Mariposas Ice Cream.  It in our neighborhood so Joe and I go often enough that they know what we want.  He gets mexican chocolate and a waffle cone and I get cookies and cream in a cake cone.  Delicious.  If you haven't been before, go, though I hear that they will be closed this Sunday.

I have not yet made horchata ice cream, but have made mint ice cream, and I have plans to make horchata cupcakes with a mexican chocolate frosting.  

Something else in our neighborhood is Jack.  Jack lives next door.  When he was a wee kitten some rotten kids put him in a microwave.  He was rescued in time but was left with a wonky ear, two bad back legs, and an amputated tail.  Despite all of this Jack is social and affectionate.  He loves our apartment, I think because we don't have a microwave.  For a little while we had to ban him from coming in due to fleas but a little note fixed the problem and now he is welcome.  

We also saw this dog at the Adams Ave. Street Fair.  Yes, it is wearing sunglasses.

Tonight we were supposed to go to see Tom Petty, but Mr. Petty has a sinus infection so the concert has been rescheduled to next Tuesday.  The waiting the the hardest part.  Instead of sulking we went to a baseball game.  Event though thousands of people put their rally caps on, the Padres were unable to pull it together for a win.  It was still fun and I'm glad that we went.

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