Saturday, March 12, 2011

We Survived

Thursday March 10th - Saturday March 12th.  We went to the swap meet today, not expecting that it was simply a tourist mecca teaming with sunburns and plastic leis, which is fine if that's what you are looking for.

I might have picked something up for a tiny friend of mine

Found at Aloha Swap Meet 

And then we saw these.  I'm not real sure that we survived the tsunami.  Survival denotes that there was adversity.  We may have sailed blissfully unaware of any tsunami at all if not for caring text messages and hourly tsunami sirens.  Living half way up the side of an ancient dormant volcano in a cinder block building has its advantages.  While those in lower lying areas stocked up on toilet paper, bottled water, gasoline and generators we sat quietly, hoping for the best for all of those who actually have some surviving to do.  

This isn't surviving, this is everyday life

Up until Thursday we had a bike, a couch and a modem in the living room.  Now there is a TV (on a TV stand now, not a computer box) and it actually looks a little bit like a living room.  In middle school, I got science tracked, which has followed me for life and means that in high school I had to take the extra science classes and in sixth grade I missed out on the crochet lessons.  Many of my design sensibilities (or insensibilities) come from my family's cottage in Sutton.  My aunt would sit on the verandah and switch between hand quilting beautiful quilts and crocheting dish cloths.  If only we had a verandah. 

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