Saturday, February 12, 2011


Saturday February 12th.  While we were packing up or apartment before leaving San Diego we found a lot of film.  All different kinds: cheap color film, good color film, Tri-X, color slide film and a few exposed roles of each, which all had one thing in common, they were expired.  Not just a little expired, a lot expired.  We found film that I remember taking to Costa Rica five years ago and it was expired then.  Our apartment was in shambles, we had sold most of our furniture the week prior during a garage sale.  Much like now we were without a couch (actually, bought one today!) or many of the comforts of a modern home.  Late one evening while we were taking a break from packing we got the sweetest text from Sam and Aaron saying something along the lines of "thought that you might need a place to sit, we put our key in your mail slot."  Super nice, right?  Super dumb considering they had just put every fallen leaf in Kensington into the bed of Joe's truck.  They left us their keys?  This is what happened to their apartment.

Sam and Aaron's Apartment

We used every sticky note that we had and tried to get the most density possible along with hiding as may as we could so they they could find them for months.  Before leaving, we utilized Sam's Polaroid collection to leave some evidence and a memory of us.  Back to the film now, at some point they got a hold of the N80 and, as an homage to the Polaroid that we left for them, gave us this to find.

Sam and Aaron 

Notice the sticky notes in the background?  The ancient nature of the film is making it look like most of the photos were taken with a plastic body camera.  Here are a couple more photos that I took.  I'm sure that Joe will be sharing all of them on his flickr tonight or tomorrow. 




  1. I love this so much. And in our defense, we left the pile of leaves in the bed of Joe's truck because you guys were nice enough to leave those same leaves in a pile in front of our door. Neighborly love, that's all.

  2. gah, pshh, wha?!!?? i don't know what you're talking about. who gave you an internet license?


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