Sunday May 1st. The Civil War has officially impeded on the amount of time I get to spend at the beach. Sunday is normally a beach day, but, with less than two weeks left in Joe's semester we did not have time to go. We did stick with the tradition of getting shave ice and went to the superb Shimazu Store. Just yesterday I was telling Joe about how I was finally starting to not feel like a tourist. I can nimbly order unequalled shave ice combinations, pronounce pretty close approximations of Hawaiian words, and nearly decipher Pidgin. In fact, we finally found the perfect shave ice combos and were able to delight in the best shave ice yet today. Naturally, while we were sitting outside of the shave ice store we started a conversation with a couple that immediately started with "where you from?" Joe replied, "we live here." which is the easiest answer to that question. "You have an urban New York look to you, like you aren't from here." the man retorted. Well, okay, I have been wearing desert boots exclusively for the last month or so and I guess we are a good 2,500 miles from the nearest desert, but come on, I have dirty hair and a sun dress. I certainly don't feel urban. Joe does carry around enough camera gear that a pack mule would be a practical addition to our home at this point, but he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I guess we'll have to start wearing board shorts and swim wear out like everybody else if we want to start to fit in.

Mango, sour watermelon with cherry and raspberry, mojito with peach
Joe has affectionately dubbed his new camera Little Elvis. Lets go with LE for short. We had LE with us, so on the way home from Shimazu Store we stopped at a park to finish off a roll of 120 film. This meant I spent a decent amount of time in a tree today, as I did yesterday, only this time the tree wasn't located in a cemetery and it didn't rain. It's situations like this that make wearing desert boots practical even on a tropical island.
I spent some time here
while Joe was setting up some photos
so I took some photos of him
making photo of me
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